Language for Life Staff

Language for Life Staff

lunedì 18 agosto 2014

Phrasal Verbs

English most confusing element, the Phrasal Verbs. A verb together with a preposition creating a new word. You feel like giving it a try? Trust me with your English lessons and a bit of practice you can do it.

For all the advance students:  Review your notes that I gave you some hint on how to tackle the phrasal verbs.

NOTE:  Se avete un po' di difficultà chiedete alla tua insegnante.  Per tutti i miei studenti : voi avete il mio e-mail

First exercise: Copy the link and it will give you the exercise that you can find below

Complete the sentences.

passed away, do without, look forward to, called off,  made up, carried away, break out, run out, put up with, keep up.
  1. Don't smoke in the forest. Fires  easily at this time of the year.
  2.  seeing my friends again.
  3. I'm afraid; we have  of apple juice. Will an orange juice do?
  4. Your website has helped me a lot to  the good work.
  5. A friend of mine has  her wedding.
  6. His mother can't  his terrible behavior anymore.
  7. As an excuse for being late, she  a whole story.
  8. I got  by his enthusiasm.
  9. I just cannot  my mobile. I always keep it with me.
  10. she was very sad because her father  last week.

Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particles. up; off; on; down; away; in; for

  1. I don't know where my book is. I must look  it.
  2. Fill  the form, please.
  3. The music is too loud. Could you turn  the volume, please?
  4. Quick, get  the bus or you'll have to walk home.
  5. Turn  the lights when you go to bed.
  6. Do you mind if I switch  the TV? I'd like to watch the news.
  7. The dinner was ruined. I had to throw it  .
  8. When you enter the house, take  your shoes and put  your slippers.
  9. If you don't know this word, you can look it  in a dictionary.

Complete the phrasal verbs according to their meanings in brackets.

  1.  your shoes.(Remove)
  2. Somebody has to  the baby. (Take care of)
  3. She wants to  the truth? (Discover)
  4. Where can I  the sweater? (See if it fits)
  5.  . (be quick)
  6. Why don't you  ? (Take a seat)
  7. I will  the train now. (Enter)
  8.  the word in a dictionary. (Consult a dictionary)
  9. I want to  the form. (Complete)
  10. The firemen  the fire.(Extinguish)

Second exercise: Copy the link and it will give you the exercise that you can find below

Use the following verbs (believe, fill, get, look, put, switch, take, throw, turn, try) and the prepositions (away, down, for, in, off, on, out) an form meaningful sentences.

Toggle example
1) Quick!  the bus. It's ready to leave.
2) I don't know where my book is. I have to  it.
3) It's dark inside. Can you  the light, please?
4)  the form, please.
5) I need some new clothes. Why don't you  these jeans?
6) It's warm inside.  your coat.
7) This pencil is really old. You can  it .
8) It's so loud here. Can you  the radio a little.
9) The firemen were able to  the fire in Church Street.
10) Does your little brother  ghosts?

Have fun!!!

Español: los numeros

Sapete lo spagnolo? Qui avete un metodo di pratica...Diviertanse

Adesso qui sono i numeri scriti:

Alora, praticate un po'

1       11
2       12       20       22
3       13       30       33
4       14       40       44
5       15       50       55
6       16       60       66
7       17       70       77
8       18       80       88
9       19       90       99
10                100

Español: El abecedario

Per i bimbi o adulti che volgono imparare o ripassare lo spagnolo:

se volete imparare il suono dell'alfabeto:

Alora, provate un po' a riconoscere l'alfabeto:

Z        A        B      S      G     J     H     E  

CH     Ñ       LL     C     I      X       V      T 

Fai lo spelling del tuo cognome a voce alta: 

Fai lo spelling del nome del tuo artista preferito:

sabato 9 agosto 2014

Intermediate & Advance: Modal Verbs CAN

Da: Advanced English Grammar

Can has only the simple present or the simple past tense (could) of the verb. All other tense forms are made with "to be able to" as shown below.

to be able to 
can / is able to 
could / was able to 
will be able to / can 
Present Perfect 
have been able to 
Past Perfect 
had been able to 
Future Perfect 
will have been able to 
Present Conditional 
would be able to 
Past Conditional 
would have been able to 


Modal Verb Can Exercise 

Fill in the blanks with can or can't and then check your answers below.

1. The boy ____ run because his leg is broken.
2. She ____ go to the store after lunch. Let's eat.
3. ____ you get the door for me please? My hands are full.
4. They ____ be happily married because they are always fighting.
5. That boy ____ have written this essay. He doesn't have the skills.
6. We ____ go to the movies tomorrow night. Let's stay in tonight.
7. Mom, ___ I watch the football match on TV?
8. Can I go to Steve's tonight after dinner? No, you ____.
9. He's a smart boy. He ____ do multiplication tables and he's only 5.
10. You ____ be serious. There's no way we will finish by then!

KIDS - Conversation and vocabulary

Questo video è divertente per i bimbi piccoli e grandi. Troverai un po' di spagnolo però solo quando chiede di ripetere, cantara etc. Il video per la maggior parte è in inglese. Una buona pratica per i bimbi. Have fun watching.

KIDS - the weather

Il tempo - Com'è? Dopo che avete visto il video si può chiedere al bimbo com'è il tempo oggi? O potete chiedere come era il tempo ieri. Have fun speaking.

Per i bimbi piccoli

Per i bimbi più grandi

KIDS - Numbers

Genitori, questo video e un modo d'imparare e di praticare i numeri. Guardate il video e dopo potete sempre chidere quanto anni loro hanno o quanti fratelli o quanti zii, così loro praticano i numeri. Have fun with the numbers.

Questo primo video sono per i bimbi più piccoli

Per i bimbi più grandi guardate questo video e ricordate che per iniziare non devi fare tutti i number fino 50. 

KIDS - ABCS songs

Questo video aiuta ai bambini imparare e ripasare l'alfabeto, le consonante e le vocale in inglese. E' anche divertente per i genitori. Genitori: per i bimbi  potete chiedere come se fa lo spelling di loro nome o cognome così loro non si dimenticano questa base.

Have fun with the ABCs and the vowels.

Per i bimbi più piccoli:

Per i bimbi più grandi: