Language for Life Staff

Language for Life Staff

lunedì 1 luglio 2013

Present Simple - Presente Simplice

Present Simple – Presente Simplice

 (Affirmative /Affermativo)
Aggiungete sempre un “not”
To Be
In English we always use the subject pronoun in front of the verb
Nell’inglese sempre se usa il pronome davanti il sostantivo
I am                   We are
Io sono                  Noi siamo
You are              You are
Tu sei                     Voi siete
He is
Egli è
She is                   They are
Ella è                        Loro sono
It is
Esso è
Subj + to be + not….
I am not
I’m not
They are not
They’re not
I am not tall
He is not tall
He’s not tall
To be + subj + ….
Am I not
Are they not
Is he not tall
To Have
Use the root of the verb (walk) and you place it in front of the subject pronoun
Usate la radice del verbo e lo mettete davanti il pronomi.
I have                   We have
Io ho                         Noi abbiamo
You have              You have
Tu hai                         Voi avete
He has
Egli ha
She has                   They have
Ella ha                         Loro hanno
It has
Esso ha
Subj + do + not + verb….
I do not have a toy
She doesn’t have a toy
Do + subj + verb + ….
Do I have a toy?
Does she have a toy?
Do they have a toy?
To Walk
These are normal ending verbs so we simply add an “s” to the third person singular
Questi sono finali normali perciò solo dovete aggiungere una “S” terza persona singulare
I walk                   We walk
You walk             You walk
He walks
She walks            They walk
It walks
Subj + do + not + verb….
He doesn’t walk
You don’t walk
They don’t walk
Do + subj + verb + ….
Does he walk
Do you walk
Do we walk
To Write
I write                   We write
You write             You write
He writes
She writes            They write
It writes
Subj + do + not + verb….
I don’t write
It doesn’t write
You don’t write
Do + subj + verb  + ….
Do I write?
Does it write?
Do you write?
To Fix
This is a verb with a special ending s,ss,ch,sh,o,z&x add es
Questo è un verbo con un finale special e quando il verbo finisce con s,ss,ch,sh,o,z&x aggiungete “es”
I fix                        We fix
You fix                  You fix
He fixes
She fixes            They fix
It fixes
Subj + do + not + verb….
You don’t fix
He doesn’t fix
We don’t fix
Do + subj + verb  + ….
Do you fix?
Does he fix?
Do we fix?
To Play
When the word ends with a “y” look at the letter in front and if it is a vowel it will have a normal ending so just add an “s”
Quando il verbo finisce con “y” guardate la lettera prima e se c’è una vocale rimane normale aggiungete una “s”.
I play                    We play
You play              You play
He plays
She plays             They play
It plays
Subj + do + not + verb….
I don’t play
It doesn’t play
They don’t play
Do + subj + verb  + ….
Do I play?
Does it play?
Do they play?
To Cry
When the word ends with a “y” look at the letter in front and if it is a consonant remove the “y” and add  “ies”
Quando il verbo finisce con “y” guardate la lettera prima e se c’è una consonante togliete la “y” e aggiungete “ies”.
I cry                     We cry
You cry                You cry
He cries
She cries             They cry
It cries
Subj + do + not + verb….
We don’t cry
He doesn’t cry
They don’t cry
Do + subj + verb  + ….
Do we cry?
Does he cry?
Do they cry?

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